Sunday, September 26, 2010

Pigeon stuck in track

What happened with this pigeon. I don't now. I found this pigeon stucked in the track of a heavy agri culture machine, probably a motor tractor. What puzzles me is that the pigeon is quite intact. It seems to me that if it was hit by a motor tractor the picture would be a mesh. Anyway, still a nice picture.

Saturday, August 7, 2010


After work (a meeting in The Hague) i walked to the train station. I was in a hurry but then a saw two fishes lying on the road. Probably lost by someone. I quickly took some pictures and went on. On the way back home i started wondering, what a strange look it was and did the person noticed his fishes where missing? I will never know.


Birds are the most common dead animals. There are a lot of birds and therefore a lot of dead birds. This one i found near the beach in the dunes of the island Vlieland (holland). I was there for a festival called intothegreatwideopen. Very nice festival, very nice pictures of this young seagull.


During a stroll across the country i saw this scene. It seems that the fox tried to get out of the water. Too me it looks like he (or she) tried to enter the sewage drain. Maybe it was already dead when it got into the water and got stuck. This picture is not very sharp, it was taken with my cellphone a samsung D600, great phone, lousy camera.

Friday, August 6, 2010

dead rabbit

As i remember this one is the first picture i took from a dead animal. It was during a holiday, we where walking trough the fields. Along the path lied a rabbit, still intact. I remember thinking how beautiful it looked.  I took the photo with my Practika camera on Ilford film. The picture is digitalised with a Canon scanner.